Hello boys and girls, it's quite hot and sunny day recently and I guess most of you gonna stay at home. So am I.... Lazy day :p LOL!!! Well, today I would like to introduce you a new product from Exfolimate. It's suitable for everyone and able to save cost on skincare and bodycare's products and services, whenever you're free at home you could do it whenever you want.
Exfolimate Product and Technology Introduction
Exfolimate Product and Technology Introduction
- Designed by Robert F. Durso from Australia.
- Innovative Smooth-Edge Micro Grooves Technology, which don’t hurt the skin.
- Patented recognise by USA and Australia.
- Designed using medical standard material which easy to clean and suitable for all skin type
- More durable than others tools
- It has been launched and selling well in beauty retailers in Canada, South Africa, USA, Switzerland, Spain, France and Portugal. And Now, It has also been very popular in Singapore and Hong Kong, and the Middle East.
Exfolimate 产品介绍
- 是由澳洲的Robert F. Durso 所设计。
- 创新性物理微沟槽设计(Smooth-Edge Micro Grooves Technology)
- 荣获美国(专利号US D586,917S)及澳洲(专利号WO 2010/127406 A1)专利局认可。
- 采用医疗级别的特别材质,敏感肌肤亦同样适用。
- 比一般家用磨皮或去角质工具更耐用。
- 目前在许多西方国家如加拿大,南非,美国,瑞士,西班牙,法国与葡萄牙都得到很好相应及销售 量。如今在新加坡,香港与中东也很受欢迎。
Product Advantage
- Micro-grooves is highly effective, it removed up to 98% of dirt, lingering skin cells and oil that clog pores which embedded beneath your skin's surface, include makeup and sunscreen.
- Easy to be clean with lukewarm water or alcohol.
- Increases the absorption of skin care products
- Improve make-up stability
- Deep-cleanse if used during make-up remove
- Easy to use and portable
- Can be use daily
- No charging and battery needed
- Improve blood circulation for healthier skin Immediate Effects
- Skin become softer and smoother once it is used after face wash.
- Reducing black head, oily patches as well as the dead skin cell for brighter skin
- Deep cleanse make-up and sunscreen residue that can’t be seen by naked eyes Long Term Effects
- Silky smooth skin being achieved, reduce in oily patches, pimples and white head problems.
- Minimizing pores problems and improves in skin tone and texture. Easier to apply make-up and decrease the chances of flaky dry skin
- Enhanced the absorption of skin care products
- With the effect of exfoliate it can speed up the cells rejuvenation and Reduces fine lines and wrinkles.
- 肉眼看不见的微细坑槽可以高效去除皮肤表面污垢,多余角质,化妆品及防晒霜。
- 角质污垢或化妆品残留并不会依附在上,只需用温水或消毒酒精冲洗。。
- 让皮肤更容易吸收保养品的精华。
- 让妆容更为贴服自然。
- 卸妆时使用能令肌肤更为彻底洁净。
- 具方便携带,用法简单。
- 可以每天使用。
- 完全手动,无需充电和电池。
- 促进血液循环,对健康和皮肤好。 即时效果
- 于洁面后使用,皮肤即时变得更柔滑洁净
- 黑头及油脂分泌减少,多余死皮角质亦会同时带走,肌肤更有光泽
- 更彻底卸除肉眼不易看见的化妆品及防晒残留 长远效果
- 皮肤更为平滑,油脂污垢积聚减少,暗疮粉刺减少
- 改善毛孔粗大问题,改善整体肤质
- 皮肤更易上妆,减少出现「浮粉」的机会
- 涂抹护肤品或进行美容疗程时皮肤会更为吸收,加强产品及疗程效果
- 去角质功效有助激活皮肤更生,促进皮肤细胞生长,加厚皮层,皮肤敏感的情况逐渐改善抗老
Method of using
- Exfoliation – after face cleaning(In wet condition), use Exfolimate gently to exfoliate to achieve results such as tighten pores reduce pore, brighter skin and Increases the absorption of skin care products
- Use before Make-up – after face cleaning (In wet condition), run Exfolimate through the skin gently for smoother skin. This will help your make up go on easily and create a better final look.
- Make-up remove – After removing your make-up with make-up remover, apply Exfolimnate to your skin. This will remove any remaining make-up or sunscreen residue.
- Reduce Skin Irritation – Exfolimate helps in loosing up the hair follicle to reduce irritation or follicle inflammation caused by hair removal.
- 温和去角质- 清洁脸部后用爽肤水湿润肌肤,然后使用exfolimate™温和去除老化角质,紧致毛孔,令 肌肤更光滑透亮并更容易吸收美容护肤产品,使美容疗程的效果更为明显。
- 上妆前使用- 日常洁面后先用爽肤水或化妆水湿润脸部,然后使用exfolimate™于肌肤表面轻 轻刮拭,便可去除多余角质,令肌肤更为平滑,上妆时更为贴服自然。
- 卸妆洁面- 卸妆时先用卸妆产品初步清洁脸部,再使用exfolimate™于肌肤表面刮拭,只需一分钟, 就能轻松彻底清除残余的化妆品及防晒霜,更能深层洁净毛孔,还您清爽嫩滑的肌肤。
- 减少脱毛刺激-脱毛前可使用exfolimate™ 于脱毛位置(例如:腋下、小腿、手臂)轻轻刮 拭,有助疏通毛囊,将倒生的毛发提起,减少脱毛对肌肤带来的刺激,改善毛囊发炎的 现象。
For more information, you can download the product info from the link below.
User Manual
your skin is wet and supple while showering or bathing, fasten strap around
wrist and gently glide Exfolimate with slight pressure at 90° along the contours
of your skin in a slow consistent motion, using the face or body tool.
for using Exfolimate
- Avoid excessive pressure.
- Not to be used on broken or infected skin.
- Do not use for 7 to 10 days after laser or chemical peel treatments.
- Do not use if skin is not thoroughly wet.
- Avoid use on eye area. If the eye is poked and irritation occurs consult your doctor.
- Not intended to treat any disease of the skin.
- If attending Medical Practitioner for a skin condition do not use in that area unless directed.
- If irritation occurs discontinue use immediately.
- After exfoliation apply a suitable moisturiser or sunscreen if going outside.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Do not use if the tool has been damaged in any way.
- Do not clean with corrosive kitchen or bathroom cleaning products.
- Follow directions as individual results may vary.
- Recommended for all normal, healthy skin types.
Directions for using
- Please refer to Precautions before use.
- Wrist straps are available for each tool, which can then be used around the wrist to avoid dropping the tool.
- Use daily or periodically in the shower or bath, based on your specific skin care regime and need.
- Preparation: While showering or bathing, wet the skin with warm water to help open the pores and soften the skin to make it suppler.
- Use the body tool for larger areas of the skin.
- Use the face tool for areas around the face, behind the ears and nose.
- May be used prior to existing skin care to enhance the performance.
- Use fingertip control to press down on your Exfolimate lightly at 90 degrees to the skin and gently glide in a slow smooth motion in either direction. Maximum 4 to 6 glides, always ensuring the skin is wet and supple. (See illustration)
- Glide on the neck upward to the jaw line, along the jaw, across cheeks and forehead. Glide gently, particularly on "bony" areas. Apply on the torso, limbs and feet. For in-grown ha1r, it IS recommended to glide with the growth of hair to clear the pores and back against the growth to lift the hair follicle. (On high active areas and exposed areas of the skin, you may see a build up on the tool edge. Rinse with warm water and continue.) Use prior to shaving or waxing.
- May be used on all parts of the body and best results are gained from longer-term use.
- Towel dry skin when finished.
- Use in the shower or bath.
- To clean-rinse with warm water and hang to dry

clean with abrasive or harsh chemical cleaners. Do not boil or wash in a dishwasher.
Hong Siaw See
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